Easy Steps: AOL Mail Server Settings on Android and iPhone

AOL Mail is a free email service provided by AOL and is available in 54 languages. It has multiple features like a maximum mailbox size, supports IMAP, POP3, and SMTP protocols, possible linking to other email service providers like Gmail or Hotmail, Virus, and Spam protection. AOL mail service has a user base of 18 million and is widely accessible across the globe. AOL is also available on Smart phones Operating System, i.e., iOS and Android. However, many problems may occur while AOL Mail Server Settings Android using AOL mail, but fortunately, this blog can solve all such issues through this blog. AOL Mail has different functions available: · Email can be attached up to a limit of 25 MB. · AOL supports POP3, SMTP, IMAP protocols. · Your maximum mailbox size is 1,000 new messages, 4,000 old messages, and 4,000 messages sen...